2024 FAQ – TD Park People Grants



1. How can I ask you questions about my application?

First, make sure to read this FAQ. 

If you have more detailed questions than the ones found below, here are the options to ask us questions about your application.

For questions about starting your park group, please check out our “How to Start a Park Group” page on the Park People website.

2. Eligible Cities

In 2024, we will extend the TD Park People Grants program to 21 urban areas across Canada.

  • In British Columbia: 
    • Metro Vancouver, 
    • Kelowna, 
    • Saanich, 
    • Township of Langley.
  • In Alberta: 
    • Calgary, 
    • Edmonton Metropolitan Region
    • Lethbridge,
  • In Saskatchewan: 
    • Regina, 
    • Saskatoon
  • Manitoba: 
    • Winnipeg, 
    • Brandon,
  • Ontario: 
    • Greater Toronto and Hamilton Areas, 
    • Kitchener – Waterloo, 
    • Thunder Bay,
    • Guelph,
    • Ottawa,
  • Quebec: 
    • Greater Montreal, 
    • Quebec City,
    • Gatineau,
  • New Brunswick: Fredericton
  • Prince Edward Island: Charlottetown
  • Nova Scotia: Halifax Regional Municipality.

If you are unsure if your group falls within the program’s geographic granting areas, please contact Ana Orrego at aorrego@parkpeople.ca.

3. How are decisions made?

Decisions will be made by a team of reviewers composed of Park People staff in consultation with TD. 

Application selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Strength of the application – past event experience, compelling argument describing the proposed events
  • Environmental focus – groups should incorporate an environmental care or protection component into their events or event activities.
  • Priority will be given to equity-deserving or equity-denied communities (at least 50% of grants). These may include but are not limited to Black, Indigenous and people of colour communities, disabled persons or people with disabilities, 2SLGBTQ+, newcomers, women and non-binary people, and low-income people.
  • Geographic diversity – representation of many neighbourhoods in each city and representation of the 21 urban areas eligible for the grants. 
  • Originality of the event ideas – aiming for many different types of events in parks
  • How many people do the events aim to reach
  • Evidence of consideration of inclusion/accessibility

While meeting any or all of these criteria will not guarantee that your group will be awarded a grant, we are looking for these qualities in each application.

4. What about permits and insurance for my events?

Each municipality has a different process for obtaining permits and insurance requirements for different events, and you may require a permit for your event. 

Before applying to the TD Park People Grant, you must review your city’s insurance requirements and park permit application process to ensure that your events comply with their regulations. 

If you have questions about obtaining insurance for your event or insurance rates, please contact the parks department of your municipality for more information. Many municipalities offer event insurance or can direct you to an insurance provider. 

5. What counts as a park or green space?

Park People define parks and green spaces as public spaces that are readily accessible. Examples of parks or green spaces include city parks, social housing properties, school grounds and other urban green spaces that are publicly accessible. Private property or green spaces not open to the public are not eligible for the grant; however, if you have questions about your park or green space, please contact Ana Orrego at aorrego@parkpeople.ca to confirm eligibility.

6. How can our group or events demonstrate an environmental focus?

Your group can link to an environmental focus in many ways, whether through environmental education, a commitment to sustainability practices, or stewardship activities: 

  • You can help raise awareness on environmental issues, such as climate change, or teach your community about the local environment by hosting a nature walk. 
  • Your group can demonstrate an environmental focus by committing to sustainability practices, such as ensuring your event is zero-waste or hosting a bike repair clinic or clothing swap. 
  • Stewardship activities could include park cleanups, planting and gardening, invasive species removal, and other projects that enhance your local green space. We encourage you to get creative and think outside the box!

7. How do I adapt my events to health guidelines?

Our top recommendation is always to follow the rules and guidelines provided by your local public health authority. These will contain the most up-to-date information relevant to your local context, including current information on the number of people permitted at an outdoor event. Here are some additional guidelines to help promote safety during park activities and events.


Application Process


8. Register on Survey Monkey Apply. 

1. Click here to access the online application form on Survey Monkey Apply

2. Create an account on Survey Monkey Apply by filling out the registration form with your name and email address.

3. Create and confirm your password. Your password should have eight characters: one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one unique character. 

4. The system will send you an email asking you to “Confirm and validate your address.”

5. Answer and submit the application form.

9. How much time will the application process take? What information do you ask for?

The application form should take about 2 hours to complete once you’ve planned your events. You can request a sample PDF of the application form by email to help you prepare the application. 

Here is a preview of the questions:

  • Contact information
  • Description of your group/organization and whether your group is from an equity-deserving or equity-denied community
  • Description of your past experiences hosting community events in parks and green spaces
  • If you are partnering with other groups or organizations, please list them and briefly describe their role
  • Demographic questions to help us better understand equity issues relating to parks in your communities and identify opportunities to improve our programs and better support members of our network (those questions are optional and confidential) 
  • Briefly describe the two events you would like to host
  • What efforts will you make to ensure your events are inclusive, accessible and safe?
  • Description of how your proposed events will have an environmental focus (i.e. environmental education, a commitment to sustainability practices, or stewardship activities).
  • What significance will these events have for your community?
  • Describe how you will use the $2000 grant to fund your events.
  • List any other sources of funding, confirmed or expected.

10. When are applications due? 

Applications are due by Tuesday, February 27th, 2024, at 11:59 pm local time. 

11. When will we hear about the success of our application?

Successful applicants will be notified in April 2024.

12. Can we submit our application in French?

Mais oui! Pour accéder à plus d’informations en français sur les demandes de subvention et les critéres d’éligibilité, cliquez ici


Equity & Demographic Questions


13. What is the purpose of adding demographic questions to the application form?

Equity is a core value at Park People. We define equity as working toward fair outcomes by giving people what they need instead of treating everyone the same historically and currently. We ask demographic questions to help us better understand equity issues relating to parks and identify opportunities to improve our programs and better support members of our network.

We understand that language is always evolving and that the options embedded within these questions may not precisely reflect your identity or experience. We understand the sensitive nature of these questions. Responses are 100% confidential.

14. What is an equity-deserving or equity-denied group? 

We define equity-deserving and equity-denied communities as those that, because of systemic discrimination, face barriers that prevent them from having the same access to the resources and opportunities available to other members of society. These may include but are not limited to Black, Indigenous and people of colour communities, disabled persons or people with disabilities, 2SLGBTQ+, newcomers, women and non-binary people, and low-income people.  We prioritize equity-deserving groups in our granting to address the inequitable distribution of resources within the parks sector. 

Some cities have specific geographic areas indicated, including Toronto’s Neighbourhood Improvement Areas or Montreal’s Integrated Urban Revitalization zones*.

15. How do Park People define a person with disabilities or a disabled person? 

Disabilities, both visible and invisible, include physical, hearing, seeing, developmental, learning or mental health conditions, chronic illness and addictions. Disabilities may be from birth, caused by injury or accident, developed over time, or result from a person’s condition and societal barriers. 


Park Groups


16. Are small informal groups eligible to receive the grant?

Yes, grassroots community groups and small community-based organizations are eligible. These groups are not required to have a trustee or have charitable status. In the case of smaller or newly formed groups who do not have event planning experience, we strongly suggest collaborating with a local organization that does. Grassroots community groups representing diverse communities or neighbourhoods are especially encouraged to apply.

17. If we don’t have non-profit status, do we need to find a group with non-profit status to be our sponsor?

No. You do not need non-profit or charitable status to apply. Informal grassroots groups are welcome to apply.

18. We are a new group partnering with an existing organization to host our events. Are we eligible?

Yes. We encourage new groups to apply, and we encourage partnerships with other organizations that can provide support for your events.

19. Are BIA’s allowed to apply?

Yes. BIA’s are eligible to apply for the grant so long as the events meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the guidelines section of the grants page

20. Are municipalities allowed to apply?

Municipalities are not eligible to apply for a TD Park People Grant. The grant is aimed at grassroots community groups that include, but are not limited to, volunteer-based park groups, local agencies, resident associations, and not-for-profit groups active in their local parks.  However, partnerships between any or all of the above and a municipality will be accepted if the group, not the city, applies.

21. We have previously received a TD Park People Grant. Are we eligible to apply this year?

Yes. However, we would like to support as many new community groups as possible, so in cases of comparable applications, preference will be given to applicants who have yet to receive a grant. If you did receive a previous TD Park People Grant, we will be looking for new ideas and events than what was previously funded.




22. Can the events be virtual?

Yes, your activities can combine in-person and virtual events. Here are examples from Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa

Virtual events can take on many different forms, and they are real opportunities to put your creative muscles to work. When an in-person park event is not possible, there are still many ways of serving your community and building a vital connection between people and their parks. Even in these cases, it’s crucial to consider specific aspects to ensure your events remain accessible.

Here are some recommendations for virtual events:

Before the event:

  • Don’t overfill the presentation
  • Create an accessible outline (access statement, agenda, break)
  •  Create a slideshow with clear graphics & slides
  •  Plan use of Zoom chat, breakout rooms
  • Tech rehearsal
  • Show up early for tech setup & troubleshooting (camera, mic)

During the Event:

  • Clear verbal communication
  • Slow, clear, plain language, define jargon
  • Descriptions of visual content
  • Trauma-informed practices (if necessary)

After the event

  • Share any presentation materials, slides, links, etc., via email.

Here is a guide to hosting accessible online events created by Rooted in Rights: “How to Make Your Virtual Meetings and Events Accessible to the Disability Community.’

23. How do Park People understand inclusion?

Inclusion is about concrete actions set in place to ensure that people feel welcomed, engaged and reflected in the same physical or digital space, no matter who they are, what they look like, what they believe, what their gender is, their sexual orientation, the language spoken and where they are coming from, even if they don’t use this space the same way others do. 

At Park People, we believe that parks should be welcoming and inviting for everyone, providing a sense of belonging to all. Parks play a vital role in providing shared spaces for all people. Using parks as a bridge to bring people together and understand each other, seeing yourself and others who are not like yourself, reflected and engaged in the same natural environment. Everyone should have access to parks, even if they don’t use the park like we do. 

24. How do you create inclusive and accessible events?

Hosting a free and open-to-the-public event is not enough to ensure that it is inclusive and accessible. Your event will be more accessible if you contemplate the diverse range of disabilities among potential attendees and anticipate the challenges they might encounter upon arrival to answer their access needs. 

Here are some measures  past grant recipients have adopted to make their park events inclusive:

  • Conduct outreach beyond social media by engaging community leaders, schools, local newspapers, language centers, etc.
  • Consider inviting an Indigenous Knowledge Keeper or Elder to your events and including an honorarium for them.
  • Translate promotions into the most widely spoken languages in your community.
  • Partner with a community organization that can offer participants free access to computers and wifi.
  • Ensure the event is accessible to those with mobility devices and service animals.
  • Serve vegetarian or vegan options and exclude food with common allergens.
  • Offer portable toilets if the park doesn’t have toilets.
  • Use gender-neutral language in your material promotion and presentations.
  • Ask for the preferred pronouns of your participants.
  • Use closed captions for a virtual event.
  • Assure the participation of a sign language interpreter.
  • Host your event in a wheelchair-accessible park.
  • Verify that the park is easily accessible by public transportation.

To increase accessibility, we also suggest to include in your event description:

  • Bathrooms locations.
  • Number and timing of breaks.
  • Interaction level.
  • Sensory (Multi-colored lighting, strobe lighting, dim lighting, scented/unscented products). 

Here is an example of a good, accessible event description: 

  • Language: This event will be facilitated in English.
  • Location accessibility: The meetup is near the park entrance (less than 1/3 of a mile). There is a smooth and levelled pathway at least 36 inches wide that you can follow from the access to the meetup location. There are no steps to enter any of the gardens. The gardens have loose wood chips throughout the ground and uneven pathways. 
  • Parking: Please note that only street parking is available in this area. 
  • Weather: If it is raining on the day of the event, we will postpone. We will email you the delayed date.  
  • Bathroom: Two bathroom stalls are available within a 5-minute walk from the event location. The path to the toilet is smooth and flat, with no stairs. The bathrooms are accessible for wheelchair users, and there are no changing tables.
  • Breaks: We will take a 10-minute break every half an hour. Please note that the only seating available in the park is wooden benches. 
  • Food: At noon, halal food (chicken wraps and vegetarian wrap with hummus) will be provided. There will be free cold water bottles available all day.
  • Sensory: There will be music playing at noon during lunch. Music will be at moderate volume. 
  • Interaction level: Low. Visitors are welcome to ask questions and initiate conversation. However, this is optional.
  • Mask policy: we will wear N95 masks to protect our community. Visitors are recommended to wear a mask. Free masks will be provided.
  • Accommodations: Please reach out to (name and contact information of the person) with any accommodation requests. We ask that you make your request two weeks before the event date. 

For further reading, see our resource on the accessibility of Canadian parks.

25. Can we host events in different parks around the city?

Yes. The two events can be held in multiple locations in the city or the same location.

26. Can we target our events to specific communities?

You are welcome to focus your event theme or outreach efforts on specific communities as long as the event remains open to everyone.

27. We would like to do a two-part event series over the spring, summer or fall. Would this count as one or two events?

It would count as two events.

Can the grant provide funding for new park events, or can we apply for events we are currently running? Do all two events also have to be new, or can the two events be a combination of new and currently running events?

 This grant was created to support community-led groups to animate their local city parks through new or existing park programming so groups can apply for programming they are currently running, a combination of new and old events, or all new events.




29. Can we use the funds for transportation to the organized event, for example, bus tickets?


 30. How many grants will be awarded?

There is a total of 70 grants available across various geographic areas.

31. Can I combine this funding with funding from other sources?

Yes! Money received from this grant can be combined with other sources of funding.

32. Is $2000 the amount per event or the amount of the grant in total?

If successful, you will receive $2000, to be spread across your two events.

33. When will we receive the grant money if our grant application is successful?

Cheques or direct deposits for the events will be received by successful applicants in May 2024.

34. Can we apply for TD Park People Grants if we have previously received TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grants?

Yes. Receiving TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grants does not make a group ineligible for TD Park People grants. However, the scope of the grants is different.  The TD Park People Grants are intended for grassroots community groups that include, but are not limited to, volunteer-based park groups, local agencies, resident associations, and not-for-profit groups active in their local parks. For more information about TD FEF Grants, click here.


Communications and report


35. What are the requirements for promoting events?

To promote your events, please follow our communication and reporting guidelines. You can download the necessary logos for your promotional materials here. Make sure you’re using the updated logos!

36. How do I submit my report?

Once your events have concluded, please submit your report through Survey Monkey Apply. Be sure to include:

  • The number of attendees
  • The number of volunteers
  • A memorable quote from an attendee or volunteer about the event
  • At least one great photograph from the event
  • For planting events, the number and species of trees and shrubs planted