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Healthy parks and healthy people: A (not boring) conversation about the future of park investment

7 Questions: Perspectives on the future of parks and public spaces – A webinar series
Hosted: octobre 22, 2020

More than ever, Canadians recognize the role parks play in their health and well-being.

Green spaces are being loved like never before. And yet, cities are facing dire economic challenges that will likely impact the quality and quantity of green spaces.

What would it take for parks to be fully recognized as engines of community development, resilience, and health? How can we articulate the real power of access to nature for communities and attract the right kind of investment needed to sustain healthy park systems?


  • Susan Holdsworth, Project Manager for RECOVER, City of Edmonton,
  • Dr. Robin Mazumder, Urban Neuroscientist, Ph.D., University of Waterloo,
  • Caroline Magar-Bisson, former Park People Development Lead for Montreal, 
  • LaMeia Reddick, Community Engagement Consultant. 

Moderator: Mary Rowe, President and CEO, The Canadian Urban Institute. 

A webinar in partnership with

Canadian Urban Institute

Generously supported by

TD Ready Commitment
Metcalf Foundation