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Webinar: The 2023 Canadian City Parks Report Launch

Canadian City Parks Report
Hosted: octobre 12, 2023

Surfacing Solutions: How addressing conflict and reframing challenges as opportunities can create more equitable and sustainable parks.


Park People is launching the 2023 Canadian City Parks Report, the fifth annual report highlighting the most significant trends, issues, and practices shaping Canada’s city parks

Meet the report’s researchers and writers in a special launch webinar and get the inside scoop on:

Our new 10 key insights surfaced from interviews with over 40 municipal staff, exploring how addressing conflict and reframing challenges as opportunities can create more equitable and sustainable parks,

12 case studies highlighting inspiring people, projects and policies from across Canada, 

The latest park data from our surveys of 35 municipalities and over 2,000 residents of Canadian cities.  

Take advantage of the report launch webinar featuring a lively discussion on the report’s key findings and future directions for city parks.

This hour-long webinar will feature Adri Stark and Jake Tobin Garett, co-author of the report. It will be moderated by Selina Young, member of Park People’s Board of Directors and Director, Indigenous Affairs Office at the City of Toronto. 

This webinar will be held in English and will include simultaneous French interpretation. 

The 2023 Canadian City Parks report is made possible with leading support of the Weston Family Foundation and generous support from Mohari Hospitality and Alberta Real Estate Foundation.

Weston Family Foundation
Alberta Real Estate Foundation