We are looking for a Senior Project Manager in the Greater Toronto Area to steward executive, leadership, and administrative needs for our organization and head office.
TD Park People Grants support local leaders to organize environmental education, sustainability or stewardship events that bring people together across Canada.
How Waterfront Toronto is raising the bar on inclusivity through their Waterfront Accessibility Design Guidelines.
Explore how different sectors are currently working to meet shared urban biodiversity goals and how we can all work differently –or more collaboratively– in the future.
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By donating to Park People, you’ll support vibrant parks for everyone.
Let’s connect! We’d love to hear from you.
Park People401 Richmond Street WestStudio 119, City Builder’s LabToronto, ON M5V 3A8416-583-5776info@parkpeople.ca
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Want to interview Park People? Reach out to us.