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Don Carruthers Den Hoed

Senior Fellow and Manager at Canadian Parks Collective for Innovation and Leadership (CPCIL)

As a post-doctoral fellow with the IES, Don’s work focuses on managing the Canadian Parks Collective for Innovation and Leadership (CPCIL). Funded by the Canadian Parks Council, led by IES, and in collaboration with several other institutions, the CPCIL comprises programming and research that will support parks and protected areas leadership and communities of practice across Canada.

Don combines 26 years of leadership in Provincial Parks interpretation, inclusion, and management with research focused on the mental health and well-being benefits of inclusive nature experiences, interdisciplinary research in parks and protected areas, transformative learning and leadership in parks, and the role of protected areas and sacred places in the Anthropocene.

He recently moved to Nexwlélexwem/Bowen Island with his family and free-range kids, who are enjoying discovering the ocean and forests of the west coast.