
A New French Logo for a More Inclusive Ami•es des parcs

mai 2, 2023
Clemence Marcastel

Park People / Ami•es des parcs is pleased to share an updated French name and logo that aligns with our values by advancing gender inclusivity. Effective immediately, our name in French is Ami•es des parcs depicted as:

Conventionally, French nouns and adjectives are categorized as either masculine or feminine. In French, the masculine form of a noun and pronoun is the default when genders are mixed or unknown. The median point or interpunct in Ami•es des parcs is non-gender binary because it allows both masculine and feminine forms to appear simultaneously.  

In 2022, as part of our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) commitments, Park People / Ami·es des parcs hired an Independent Language Worker and Translator to audit our use of the French language in all external facing materials. The purpose of the audit was to ensure that Park People’s / Ami•es des parc’s use of French aligns with our commitment to inclusion as one of our core values. 

One of several recommendations coming out of the audit highlighted the opportunity to update our name and logo to reflect our commitment to gender diversity including women, trans and non-binary people. Park People / Ami·es des parcs is proud to now have a name and logo that contributes to the broader effort to advance gender inclusivity. 

Here are some great resources you can consult to better understand and adopt the gender-inclusive French language.